About Us
We are farmers
Società Agricola “L’Oro di Navelli” di Papini Niccolò e Mario società semplice is formed by the Papini-Simone family, a family with centuries-old roots in Abruzzo.

The return to Abruzzo
Born and raised in Brescia, Italy, we went back to our roots.
As children we loved spending summers and winters with our grandparents in Caporciano, a small town in the province of L’Aquila.
There we breathed in the slow pace of country life watching the crocus blossom and the immense tables of purple flowers dreaming, every time we returned, of leaving the city and moving back to the life of the land.
Since 2016, this dream has become a reality and is called Società Agricola “L’Oro di Navelli” di Papini Niccolò e Mario società semplice.
We have taken over the legacy that has been handed down to us and made it our job, decided to take care of this little corner of the world and give back to the world.
Saffron in respect of land and traditions

The process and quality
of our saffron
Saffron cultivation is a fascinating and delicate process that requires great care and attention. Each step, from the manual harvesting of the flowers to the drying of the stigmas, helps to preserve the intense aroma and unique properties of this precious spice. The work begins at dawn, when the flowers are handpicked to prevent the sun from altering their quality. Next, the stigmas are precisely separated and then dried to obtain the pure saffron we all know and appreciate.

01 - Traditional cultivation
Each year we select the best crocus sativus bulbs.
Like the ancients, we follow crop rotation: in the summer,
after uncovering the saffron grooves of the last harvest,
we harvest the bulbs by hand and plant them to plant in a new plot.
The explanted soil will remain stationary for years: this will improve its health
and optimize its nutrients.

02 - We don't use pesticides
Our cultivation is pesticide-free: we believe in sustainability as a founding value
of human activities, and we carry this principle forward by favoring quality over quantity.

03 - 100% Craft Process

04 - High quality for great chefs

05 - Packaging
The team
Niccolo Papini
Niccolò Papini
Mario Papini
Mario Papini